First dates…
Some go well. Some don’t.
But none would go well if you brought slides, and said ‘These summarise my life so far, and what I think’s going on in your world.’
Your date’d tell you they tell you they were going to the restroom, but then not return!
Business chats are like first dates. In that you want both of you contributing, and enjoying it. So, creating irrelevant slides they didn’t ask for – well, that’s a bad idea.
Instead, prep these four things:
- The DO – what you want the other person/you to DO after your chat
- Your opening – a great start, and your chat should go well. But start badly, and you might not recover
- Questions to ask – prep questions you’ll ask them. This ensures they speak (whereas preparing slides might mean only you do)
- Remove DREADs – for the things you’re dreading them saying, prepare in advance how you’ll respond when they say them
In fifth place, maybe – just maybe – write some slides.
Me? I rarely do slides. Because these Top Four always lead to a good conversation.
Anyway, must dash – she’ll be returning from the restroom any day now…
Action Point
For your next conversation, prep these Top Four before you start. And leave those lovely slides in your bag. You can always get them later if you want to.