PowerPoint’s best feature?

20th February 2024

You know when you’re presenting, and people start looking at your slides, and not at you?

To stop them – just press the B or W key on your keyboard.

‘B’ turns your screen to plain black. So there’s nothing for them to look at. Except give you their undivided attention.

‘W’ is the same idea – it turns it to plain white.

And then, when you want the slides back up, just press B or W again.

It’s PowerPoint’s best feature.


Because PowerPoint is the most boring person in the room. You and the audience are the important ones. You and they should do most of the talking. The PowerPoint can only say something when it adds to the discussion.

Otherwise, we have to shut it up with B or W.

Action Point

An obvious one… next presentation, use B or W. A lot.

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