You know your regular Update Meetings?
Let me guess – they have some useful bits. But they can be too long, repetitive, irrelevant and dull. And not much happens as a result of them.
I’ve two techniques that change all that. Such that you enjoy them, and get lots from them. Here’s the first…
Replace “update” with “Best. Worst. Next.”
In other words, each attendee has 30 seconds max to share their:
- Best thing since the last meeting – biggest success etc
- Worst thing – their biggest challenge, and how they’re planning to overcome it
- Next thing – their main focus for next week
This means that, after just a few minutes, you know the most important things everyone’s been doing. You then use the rest of the meeting to:
- Learn from/copy each other’s best bits
- Help people overcome challenges
- Align activities for next week
These often take 15-20 minutes, not an hour. People enjoy them. But most importantly, they result in things getting done.
Action Point
In your next update meeting, use “Best. Worst. Next.”
And I’ll tell you my second technique next week…